Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mama/JudiBug News

Dear Furrriends ... we are so sorry to have to post this but our Dearest Judi/MamaBug has passed on.  She left us around 5pm CST this evening. 

We don't have any funeral details yet and will update the blog when we have that information. 

The one thing we are certain of, and Auntie Deb and ML can attest to this, MamaBug was very clear that in lieu of flowers she wanted donations to go to the cat fund (to help with vet costs, feeding and litter costs.)

We appreciate all the support, love and prayers everyone has poured out and over our MamaBug during all of this!

We will be back in touch with more updates.

Sir Andy, Shell & Sierra
TraciBug, LaurynBug & KorinnaBug


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are so sorry for your loss but know you'll find some peace with knowing her suffering has stopped

AND there will be a grand celebration under The Full Moon at The Rainbow Bridge as she is greeting with much much love -

We'll light a candle to help her journey

Khyra and Phyll

The Cat Guy said...

My heart is sad at this news. I enjoyed her comments to my blog and I always enjoyed visiting her blog. She is missed.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We are so very sad. :( Holding all of you close to our hearts.

Blessings and Love,
Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are so very sorry to hear of Judi's passing but hope you can take some comfort in the knowledge that she is now pain free. We send you our deepest condolences.


I am so very sorry to hear that Judi has passed. We are so very sad and we will keep all of you in our prayers.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all so sorry to hear that news. We loved that dear sweet Judi and she will live in our hearts forever.

rottrover said...

Thanks for letting us know. Our hearts go out to you during this time.

Just Ducky said...

Our sympathies to you and all of the family. Purrs.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purrs, sympathy and hugs to the family. Hope the passing was peaceful.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sincere condolences for your, our and the kitties loss. She's at peace and those left behind, well, peace will come....

The Florida Furkids said...

We are so sorry to hear that Judi has passed. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I'm so, so sorry to hear this news. Try and take comfort in knowing that she isn't suffering any more and is with all her loved ones who have gone before her.

Oui Oui said...

I am sorry to hear of Judi's passing, and I hope she passed gently. Her sufferings are at an end, and our's begin as we mourn her. My deepest sympathies and condolences to all her family and friends.

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for letting us know. Your Mom was so loved by so many, and she will be greatly missed. You're in our thoughts, purrs and prayers.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Our thoughts to you during this difficult time-

Katnip Lounge said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We will look for a new star in the sky tonight...

Mariodacat said...

I'm so very very sorry for your loss,. I only had the pleasure of knowing Judi Bug for a month or so, but she seemed like such a wonderful person and mother to her human children and furbabies alike. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time. As soon as I find out where the chipin button for the kitties vet bills, I'll make contribution in her honor

Angel Simba said...

We have had your family in our thoughts frequently. It is hard to be the loved ones left behind but we know you take some solace from Judi being released from her suffering. She fought a long brave fight against her cancer. May memories of happy times together replace your sadness.

Simba, Audrey and Mom (our banner is still the one she made for us).

Rene said...

I've been thinking of Auntie Judi in the past few days as I've been updating the blog for the holidays. I am deeply sorry for your loss. We send our condolences and our soft purrs. Hugs to you all--
Rene, Jim, Tucker, Benny, and Sadie

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

We are so sorry to hear this. You are in our thoughts, prayers, and purrs.
-- Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear, Maggie, and, of course, our Mom and Dad

Random Felines said...

we are so very sorry Judi has left you.....we know how hard she fought and we wish the end result could have been so very different. please know we are thinking about you all - and we know she was very well met.

Karen said...

So sorry for your loss. She was such a great light in the blogosphere. She is no longer suffering. Hugs to the family

Fenris and Family said...

Our thoughts and purrs are with Judi's family at this very sad time. Judi made the blogophere brighter for being part of it and she will be missed.

Tracibug, Laurynbug, Korinnabug, Sir Andy, Shelly & Sierra we will be thinking of you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

We are so sorry to hear about JudiBug. She was a special lady who gave a lot to those of us in the CB. She will be missed.

We're sending our comforting thoughts, purrs, and prayers to you.

Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

Cara n Crew said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs, purrs, and prayers of comfort...

Cara, smidge, Pip, Minnie, Hollie, and Wriggley

The Island Cats said...

We are so very sorry to hear that JudiBug has passed on. We send you all purrs, prayers and hugs.

RIP, will be deeply missed.

Wally, Ernie, Zoey and mom Sue

Kat said...

We wish we had gotten the chance to meet sweet JudiBug.
We are so sad to hear she has passed away and our hearts are breaking. We are sending our deepest condolences to you. We are so sorry.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

SO very sorry for your loss. I learned about Judi's passing through Brian's Blog.

Scooter said...

Oh, I am so very very sadden to hear about sweet JudiBug. She was such a wonderful furiend and I am sending my warmest loving vibes to all of you. This is such sad news and I know all of Blogville will be sorry.
Grr and a Mournful Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

Mickey's Musings said...

We are so sorry for your loss.We know you will miss Judi so much and hope you will find comfort knowing she is at peace. She was a lovely,creative lady and we will miss her.
Hugs and purrs to you and the family.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
and mom Nancy

The Chair Speaks said...

We're so sorry. Purrs and hugs!

Katie Isabella said...

My heart breaks at this news. I have known Judi since Admiral started blogging and we founf the CB. I have thought about Judi very very often. She has never been far from my mind.

I will miss her presence in our lives and I am so sorry that her beautiful warm and sunshiney heart and smile and all of her love is gone on to heaven now.

Hugs and purrs to your family. Katie and Mom Carole

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi TraciBug, LaurynBug, and KorinnaBug & Sir Andy, Shelly, and Sierra!
I just wanted to send you all a hug through the internet and let you know that even though I never met your mother/grandmother in person, I just loved her very much and she was one great lady.
Thanks for sharing her with us.
Much Love,
Mindy of The Slimmer Puggums & Purrsibs

Myst and Blackie said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. We lost our grandmother to prolonged illness so we know how hard it is to watched a loved one suffer

Cathy Keisha said...

I've come to pay my respects and offer condolences to the 2 legged and 4 legged members of the family. *bows head*

wildcatwoods said...

Judi was a very special lady and will be missed by so many. Rest in peace.

With deepest sympathy,
Cheri and cats of wildcat woods

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Judi was such a special person, and I feel privileged to have known her even a little.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry for your loss. We loved Miss Judi so much and have many fond memories of email conversations back and forth. She was so kind to us and did such wonderful work on our blog. She will always have a special place in our hearts ...

Gin and Bailey said...

Bailey & me share in your sadness with Judi's loss & are so sorry... we send heartfelt condolences to her family.

Cat said...

I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am to hear this news. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

I am so very sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to her family friends and kitties. Hugs and purrs from all of us to all of you.

Terri said...

We are so sad to hear about JudiBug. Thoughts are prayers for all of her family.

BeadedTail said...

Our thoughts and purrayers are with all her family during this difficult time.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Our thoughts love and purrs go out to you at this very sad time. Rest in peace now Judi and we will look at the sky for your bright star. Hugs GJ Carol and Barrie x

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Judi is finally free of pain and can watch over you all from a beautiful place. A horrible time for all to get through - sending love and hugs....

Rubie and her mum xxx

Forty Paws said...

We are so very sorry that Judi has crossed over. We are sending tons of purrs and purrayers and hugs during this difficult time.

From all of us at Forty Paws,
Merceda, Jenny, G.T., Dorf, Obi, Orinch, Sally, Smokey and Dorf

Karen Jo said...

I am so very sorry. I know how hard it as, as I lost both my Father and Mother after long illnesses. You know it is coming, but it is still a shock when it happens. You know that she in a much better place, free of suffering at last, but your heart breaks at the absence. You have my sympathy and prayer and Spyro and Oja send comforting purrs.

Mr. Black said...

We are sorry for your loss and offer our condolences.

Cory said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. Sending you our purrs and prayers.

Cory and family

Bassetmomma said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to all of you.

Sparkle said...

I am so very sorry. Judi was so well loved in this little community and we will always remember her fondly. Purrs to you and the kitties.

looloo said...

So sad! We think of you!


Princess Jasmine said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. May Judi rest in peace and enjoy the company of all the kitties at the Rainbow Bridge. sending purrs to you all xxxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Losing a friend is always heartbreaking but we imagine there is some serious purring going on at Rainbow Bridge!

Kwee Cats and Art said...

We are so sorry. We send you hugs and gentle kitty kisses. You are in our hearts and purrs. Love to all of you.

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of hugs and love to you all!! We are so sorry Judi Bug has gone to the Rainbow Bridge!! She will be missed by us all!!
Love from your TX furiends,

Chesney Cats said...

We are so very, very sorry for your loss. JudiBug will always be inthe hearts of those that love her. You & your family are in our hearts & prayers.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Such mixed feelings. So very sad and yet relieved her suffering is over. What a sad day. RIP Judi ~ thank you for the friendship, the hats and being such a lovely person. We all miss you.
Sincere condolences and love to all the family.

Jan, Milo and Alfie xxx

ZOOLATRY said...

With much sympathy. We have all lost a dear friend, heaven has received a new friend.

Everycat said...

We are so sorry that Judi has passed, we send you our sincere condolences along with much love and rumbly purrs

Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry to hear this but at least she is free from pain and her suffering is over. You will miss her terribly and hope you will let us know when her funeral will take place so we can say a prayer for her.
Luv Hannah and Lucy & Mum Sue xx xx xx
With love to you all - take care.
Luv Hannah and Lucy + Mum Sue xx xx xx

Unknown said...

We are so sorry. We send love and prayers for you and all your family. Take Care.
Best wishes Molly

bichonpawz said...

We are so sorry and our prayers are with the family during this difficult time. Heaven has a new angel.
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug and mama Jeanne

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

So evry sorry fo ryour loss, we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers

Momma Tea and The K Krew
x x

booahboo said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you thru this very sad time. She is indeed a very wonderful lady. May her soul rest in peace.


Cat said...

No! We are oh so terribly sad to read this. Our hearts go out to you and our prayers as well. Indeed, there is a new star in the night sky and another angel to watch over us. But JudiBug was an angel on earth already and will be sorely missed. We are so sorry. We always have such sadness when we lose a fur friend, but we fur kids have much shorter is awful when we lose a human friend because we just expect them to be around FOREVER. May JudiBug rest in peace and without pain...watching over us all and smiling. We will think of her each time we see a ladybug (and we do see them often!), because to us she was Lady JudyBug!

xxx, purrs, licks and headbutts
WeezDaBadCats and DaMeenDawgs
Tiny, Elioth, Chouchou and Ellwood and Ginger
and Mom Cat

Raymond and Busby said...

Our sincere condolences to Judi's family. We will miss her "hatting" us here on the blogosphere. She's being hatted by God with a halo now. Heaven has a new sweet angel.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We just heard. Our best Purrs of Comfort to you all...

HH and The Boys said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. We will be sending you purrrrrrs of comport.

much love and hugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and Lou

Marg said...

We are so so sorry. We just heard about this. Judi was one wonderful and thoughtful person. She was just terrific and we will miss her terribly. Traci, big hugs to all of you. Thinking about you a lot.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and p0rayers are with yourm family.

God Bless........Mona, Weenie & the Mommy

GLOGIRLY said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. We pray you feel our comforting prayers and purrs. May God wrap his arms around you and your family now.

love, Katie & Glogirly

Cherry City Kitties said...

We are sending purrs and hugs to all of your family, 2 and 4 legged. We know there must be much sadness, but we know she is always with you and you will be with her again someday.
Purrs and hugs.
Harry, Dexter and Tipp, the momma and daddy.

Kea said...

We are sending prayers and universal Light and purrs. We're so sorry Judi has passed, but are thankful she's now free from suffering and at peace.

Blessings to you all.

-Kim and Nicki and Derry from Fuzzy Tales

John Bellen said...

What a terrible thing to happen. Knowing that a person is at peace doesn't make the pain of bereavement less, I realise, but it may help in the days to come. My condolences to you and all who loved Judi.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Ones,
I am so very sorry to hear this. Judi and her beloved kitties were so highly thought of in Blogville. So many of us were Hatted. And I am just one of the group that have blogs that were made Special by her.
I have seen many tributes posted to her today. I hope that they will help to ease you hearts.
Lana... and Frankie and Ernie

Cats Herd You said...

We're so very sorry. We are sending comforting purrs to you and the rest of Judi's loved ones.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are so very sorry for your loss. we know that words are inadequate and that only time will heal your hearts.

Team Tabby said...

Judi's passing is such a great loss to all of us. We are sending our thoughts and prayers to the family of this special lady.

& Nina

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

I am so so sorry to read the news. My and my furry family are sending purrs and the humans warm thoughts.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry for your loss, but comfort can be had knowing her suffering is over. We will miss her so much but never forget her friendship. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Laila, Minchie and Peggy

Anonymous said...

So very, very sorry that a good friend has completed her Circle of Life. Rest with the angels...

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so sorry for your loss. She will be missed by many most of all you. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh NO! We are so sorry for your loss!
DMM, Charmee & Jessica

Maggie May said...

All of us here on the creek are sending our most sincere purrs and purrayers for all of Judi's loved ones and friends. (((hugs))) & ♥
Maggie May, The Creek Cats and Mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. She was a fighter and she loved all of you so much. Our deepest sympathies.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Willow said...

We just heard and are sending over purrs and hugs for everyone. We are so sorry for your loss.

Purrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
and Mom Teri

Nikita and Elvira said...

We & Daddy Kiril, wish to send out sincere condolences, purrs, and Purrayers, to all of you.

Take care...

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

My thoughts are with you and all who loved her at this difficult time.

Jacqueline said...

Our sincere condolances over the loss of your Mom and our friend, Judi, a lovely woman and kind hearted animal lover...Judi was always giving and wonderful to all her CB friends=she was so sweet to make badges for clubs, the famous "hatted" series and of course, beautiful headers for so many of us...We will never forget your precious Mom and wish you all comfort and peace at this time of sorrow...We know one of Judi's first stops on her way to Heaven was at the Bridge to pick up her sweet boy, Sammy...Love and hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Oskar said...

Words can't express how sorry we are for your loss. Judibug
was a true treasure and will be missed greatly.

We are sending prayers of comfort you way.

With love,
Pam & Oskar

The Tower Hill Mob said...

We are crying at the loss of a brave fighter and a true friend to animals.
We are relieved that her soul ia at rest.
Kate and Cupcake

LP said...

We send you our deepest condolences and love. We hope Judi went peacefully and we know that heaven has welcomed a new angel who was greeted by many loved ones...two and four legged alike.

Our thoughts and love are with you.

LP and the critters in the cottage xo

Marilia said...

I´m so so so sad!

Old Kitty said...

I am so so sorry. Judi Bug was a creative, talented and loving person. We are so so so sorry. :-(

Take care

Deb Harvey said...

I am so, very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time.

Big Hugs,

The Kitty Krew said...

We're so very sorry to hear that JudiBug is gone. She was a wonderful lady and was so nice to everyone, keeping in touch with us even after we stopped blogging regularly. We are so sad she's no longer with us, but happy that her pain and struggle is over.

Purrrrs and hugs to the family during this difficult time.

The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Pixie, Kenzie, Ziggy, Macey and Shelby
and The Mommy

Elaine Pritchard said...

Much love to you all.

So sad to hear this news

You are all in our thoughts.


MayzieMom said...

We are so sad to hear this news and are holding all of you close to our hearts right now. Godspeed, JudiBug.

Saku said...

My condolences to the entire (kitties too) on the loss of your beloved Judibug. She will be missed.

JC said...

I am so sorry.

JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Clarissa said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful mother, Judi. We just know she is celebrating on the other side with family, friends, and furs who have gone before her. Our mom asked us to share this with you:

Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there. ~ Isla Paschal Richardson


Clarissa & Co & Mom Malinda

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and my mom-person are so very sorry to hear of Judi's passing but hope you can take some comfort in the knowledge that she is now pain free. We send you our deepest condolences.

CCL Wendy said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your mother. She was so well loved by so many.

It's time for her to rest now, and in a far better place where pain doesn't exist. I'm sure she'll be with you always in your heart and in your memories. Forever Judi!

Clooney said...

We are so very, very sorry and sad to hear of the passing of JudiBug. We are sure (as Jacqueline has said in her comment)that she and Sammy have met again and are re-united. We will always cherish the beautiful hat picture she created for Neytiri and it will always be a reminder of our fondness for Judi. We send you Traci, Lauryn, Korinna, Andy, Shelly and Sierra thoughts of love and gentle purrs for your loss of your dear sweet Judi. You all are in our prayers.

Love Clooney, Neytiri & Mom Karyn

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Traci, Lauryn and Korinna
Andy, Shell and Sierra.
It was a hard journey. Judibuggie is safe now and we will continue our prayers for all of you.
It was a painful journey for all of you and it will take time to make some sort of peace with the emptiness.
Just remember she was loved so much, and she is very safe now with Jesus
Love and bonks, Rosemary Pierro and Miles

caspersmom said...

This is so sad, I have tears going down my cheeks right now. My Sympathy's and Prayers to her family right now in their time of grief. She is resting in peace and is out of pain. Good bye my friend until we meet again when Christ comes to take us all home. God Bless.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We are so very sorry this chain of events happened at all, but glad Miss Judi Bug has been released from her suffering and is reunited over the Bridge with all the furbabies [and people] she loved so much her whole life through. Hers was a life well lived. She will be deeply missed.

Jed & Abby and mama ML

Val said...

Woof. :( . I know that Sammy will be glad to see her though. Woof. Echo( The very sad border collie.)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Sending purrs.

Unknown said...

Our hearts and minds are with you at this time.

Kizzie and Jewel

Poppy Q said...

So sorry for the loss of your sweet judi bug.

Julie and Poppy Q

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Mama Judi's family
Mom and I send you lots of hugs and warm thoughts during this very difficult time. Your Mom was a special lady who loved and was loved.
Hugs Mads (that is what she called me) and Mom

Colehaus Cats said...

We are so sorry and are sending hugs and purrs.

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Judi was so lucky to have someone who cared for her so much.
We will all miss her.
Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne x

catsynth said...

We are very sorry to hear that Judi Bug has passed away. Sending our thoughts to her human and feline family.

Kat's Kats said...

I haven't been online in a few days (just got my final notice of divorce) so I just heard the news.

May the many memories of love outweigh the grief of loss.

Love, purrs & prayers,
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We are very sorry to hear this sad news. Our Purrs of Comfort to you all...

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear this <3 R.I.P

rainbow said...

May you rest in peace, dear Judi. You and your family - human and fur - are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending gentle purrs of comfort and consolation.

Donna said...

Me has a sad. Rest in peace. :(

Tamago said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news... Our sincerest condolences to you and all her family...

Just Mags said...

We are so sorry to hear that sweet Judi has passed. We are thankful she suffers no more. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs

Ikaika said...

We are so very sorry for your loss and send warm light and gentle purrs to all of Judi's family.

'Kaika and his mom

HoundDogMom said...

We are just know seeing this and offer our prayers and hugs to you. We loved Judi Bug and so enjoyed her blog so much. She actually gave us our first make over and mad our blog look so awesome. She will be missed by many here in blogville but we know she is taking care of all our sweet babies for us in heaven. May she rest in the arms of the angels. The HoundDogs and Mom (Sherri)

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