Thursday, January 20, 2011

Andy Says

Please, please, please be purraying for our sweet friend 
Annie from Fuzzy Tales.

And please feel free to download the following to display on 
your blog in support of gorgeous Annie.....Thank you!!!!

Please get well soon, darlin' girl.
We love you.....

Sammy and I are happy to announce that 
we are members of the Blogsville Cabinet.  
We are the 4 Paws Ambassadors!!!!

Have a happy day,



Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Concats on being ambassadors! We will purray extra lots for Annie too.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are purring like mad for sweet Annie. Mom is gonna load the Annie button later today, as she hasta go to work first.

HH and The Boys said...

Yes we will purrr for Annie too. I'm on my way to put up her picture. Thanks for sharing it.

Oh... and congratulations for being ambassadors. Yay!

pawhugs, Max

Old Kitty said...

Awwww lovely Andy and adorable Sammy and gorgeous mum!!! That's a brilliant button for Annie!! Thank you so much!! Me and Charlie would very much like to copy it if you don't mind to put on our blog!! We are purring so hard for dear Annie and mum Kim!!

Congratulations on being ambassadors!!!!! Wow!!! That's just brilliant!!! Take care

The Daily Pip said...

I don't know Annie, but my paws are crossed for her!

Welcome to the cabinet. my friends!

Your pal, Pip

Angel Simba said...

That is great about being ambassadors. Mom and I are worried about Annie and I am purring for her and her sweet, worried mom.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We're purring very hard for Annie!

You're very close to that noisy monster, you must be very brave!

Anonymous said...

WOW~!!! Ambassadors??? That's super! We all think you're furry brave Andy for even laying NEAR the carpet sucky monster! We will take you badge for Annie. Thanks a whole bunch!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Andy you are my hero....I will not be on the floor in the same room with the sucky machine.

We visited Annie and her mom,
Hugs Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Mee has been n lefts a message fur Miss Annie nd wee has our paws crossed fur her. Wee glads yoo liked your badge wee had a ikkle trouble cos it was a small pic so we could nots pick out da detail


AFSocksScylla said...

We are purring very hard for Annie. We knows y'all are gonna be super ambassadors.

the teacher's pets said...

I don't know Annie but I will be getting to know her very soon and I will send purrs and prayers her way.
Congrats on your cabinet post! I am sure you two will be purrfect for Blogville! But I do have one question.....How come you are asked to vaccuum when you have so many duties to purrform for Blogville? That doesn't seem right at all!

Rene said...

We read about poor Annie yesterday and have anxiously been checking their blog for updates. We hope she comes home soon!

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

We are already sending Annie lots of purrs. Congrats on being ambassadors!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We have been purraying for Annie and have sent her many purrs.
Congratulations on being ambassadors - do we have to curtsey to you?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fur Annie.
Your Badge looks FangTastic!!!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are sending our loudest purrSSSSS to sweet Annie!!!

Andy, Mommy says that you are too cute to do anything but just look cute! MOL

Hi Sammy!!!

Hi Auntie Judi!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We all are purring here, we're quite worried about sweet Annie.

3 doxies said...

We heard bouts Miss Annie and we sending out our vibes too!

I just loves your BLogville cabinet badge...ya'll da only kittehs in da cabinet.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are purring for Annie!

Casper Bear said...

We do hope sweet Annie gets well soon! We will put your button on our blog. Congrats on being Ambassadors!
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We don't know sweet Annie but we will cross our paws for her and pay her a visit. Too many kitties and pups sick these days:(

Ronnii, Richie and their Mom did a wonderful job on your badge - we think you are pawesome ambassadors.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

OKcats said...

Concats on your cabinet appointment (or membership)!! We can't think of any kitties more deserving than you! We're purring for Miss Annie.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Concatz on your being Ambassadorz, you guyz are goin to be Great ! ^~^

We too along wit eferyone else haf bin purrayin really hard for Sweet Annie & her mom,,, we are so worried about her.........

SuziQCat said...

Congrats on your new jobs! We think you'll be pawsome at it!

Thanks for the lovely graphic...we are sending purrs to Annie.

Unknown said...

The vacuum! I thought that was the tail eating machine that sat in our corner. Gotta love the way the Cat mind works. Check out this article I found

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am purring very hard for the lovely Annie.

That sucking machine is one thing I don't go anywhere near.

Sagira said...

I sure do hope your friend feels better. Our paws are crossed.

Congrats on your blogville spot as well. :)

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We don't know Annie but we will pray for her to be well. Paws crossed and purrs sent. We love the quote! The vaccum cleaner...that's one thing that Holly hates and the cats hide from....and I'm not to happy with it either! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly


Concats on your ambassadorship!
That is way cool.
We are purring for Annie and we hope that she will come home from the hospital tomorrow.


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Psss: We forgot...we are happy that you are Ambassadors! That is great!!!

Catsparella said...

We are purring for Annie, and also agree that vacuuming is for the birds!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring for Annie. Be careful the vacuum doesn't eat you.

The Island Cats said...

We hope Annie is better soon!!!

Kenneth Copeland said...

Congratulations on being ambassadors!!! I am praying for Annie and I hope that she will come home from the hospital soon.

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