Monday, July 12, 2010

Mancat Monday - Trying to Beat The Heat

As many of you know we spent nearly a week without air 
conditioning .....definitely not a good thing in South Texas in July!!!!!!

As the week began "The Boys" enjoyed the open windows........

It wasn't long before they were feeling the heat and 
terrible humidity also and looking for ways to stay cool....

 And Andy was looking for a way to get his mind off the heat......

In the end they found this was the coolest place.....
the tile in the entryway remained fairly cool. 
Mama was sad there wasn't room for her on it with her boys!!!!

We are so thankful that we have air again!!!  

Love from us to all of you....xxxxxxxx

For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


maya said...

im glad you're starting to cool down!
you must be very hot in all that fur :D

you're very beautiful, boys!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We're glad you have your air back. Definitely cool tiles and airing the belly help when it's hot.

The Chair Speaks said...

Turning on a fan to circulate the air would be helpful.

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that your air conditioning is back. Cool tiles are great in the heat. I stretch out on the kitchen floor when it gets hot here.


Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww gorgeous Sammy and lovely Andy!!! You two are very clever finding ways to keep cool!!! We hope mum managed to squeeze on the tiled floor between you two sweeties too! :-)

yay!! Glad you got your air con working again. Phew!!

Take care

SeaThreePeeO said...

We hope you get some cooler weather soon. It has cooled down here today.

we're hosting a Super Sunday Giveaway. There is still time to enter. Come see

The Monkeys said...

We were doing the same thing! We finally got our air conditioner in too and we're glad you did too!

The Creek Cats said...

Yay for air conditioning! It really is quite the blessing!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh my....we are so happy that you have your A/C back! Texas in the summer is brutal!!!

Hi Sammy!

Hi Andy!

Ollie (and Donna) said...

We are SO glad to hear you have A/C again. We can't imagine living where you do without it!

Ollie (and Donna)

Angel Simba said...

Having all that furs in Texas w/o airconditioning must have been rather miserable for you. Glad the a/c is back, furry friends!

Kea said...

Hurrah for a/c at last! If our human could get central air put in, she would in a heartbeat, even though we don't need it for that many months of the year. We can't imagine being a week without a/c in south Texas!!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Sammy and Andy and Mom we are so glad the a/c is working. Anyone from the south KNOWS how unbearable it can be in July w/o a/c. Fans just blow the hot air around.

We love the tummy picture...
Madi and Mom

Cindy said...

You all have too many furs not to have the comfort of the ac. Great pictures, mom.

Raymond and Busby said...

Glad you have your A/C working again!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are pleased that you have your air back - it's no fun being a furry when it's very hot.

Marg said...

Oh thank heavens you have your Air again. But the cool tiles look like kind of a replacement. Love the view of you belleh.
Stay cool and have a great week.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for air conditioning, where would we be without it???

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Texas with out air conditioning is not pleasant! And the humidity makes it worse. We are glad you have cold air, now!

Ingrid said...

The poor things with their thick long fur, it's a pity they don't have a zip !

Katnip Lounge said...

Hurrah for A/C! We cannot imagine how much you guys suffered last week...ugh!
We are supposed to get in the 110's the end of this week and our Monsoon is heating up which means humidity...We'll be doing a lotta napping in the cool big bedroom, for sure.

Annie Bear said...

Ugh! We weren't around much last week so didn't know you were without AC. That's terrible. I lived in Texas for two years, and I know how hot it can get. It's actually been just as hot here lately. You poor things! I'm so glad it's back on. Love the pics of Sammy and Andy trying to stay cool. My husband always has the AC on frigid so Lucy and Simba don't even know what the heat is like unless they go out on the patio. Enjoy your nice cool air!

JC said...

I'm glad your ac is on. We had a hot week which isn't normal for us. We don't have ac at all .. just fans. Meredith Ann who has long fur was not happy at all.

3 doxies said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believes you boys didn't melt from da heat OR dat you furs didn't end up looking likes you had a granny perm from da humididty.
Funny how we takes things fur granted when we loose them.
But, I'm glad you gots your AC back.

Preacher Puddles...long story

CCL Wendy said...

Glad you guys made it through the heatwave in tact! It seems when you're hot you like to show your floofy bellies, which is great for your admirers.

I'm sure you're really appreciating the A/C again. It's not only Texas, we're having extreme heat up here in Canada, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you have got your air con. back. We don't have it here because it doesn't often get hot enough. We were melting when we got our unusually hot weather and it was nowhere near as hot as yours.


We are glad to hear you got your a/c back. We know how bad that is (living in N.Florida) -- in fact it's nearly 80 degrees at midnight here so we just can't think of making it through the night without air.


Jacqueline said...

Oh, we are just swooning from all the gorgeous photos of you handsome boys=WOOOHOOOO!!!...We're so glad to hear the a/c is finally fixed and you guys have some relief from this intense heat...Happy week beautiful friends...we're sending lots of kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Florida Furkids said...

One time there was a hurry-cane and we didn't have any power for 9 days. We can understand how miserable you guys felt! We're glad your A/C is working again.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

We are very happy that you have your 'air' back!!
Floof loves air ;) heehee
Even with the heat,you two still look great ;)
Thanks for the b'day & gotcha day wishes too!!

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

The Island Cats said...

We are so happy that you have A/C now too!! You looked hot!!

AFSS said...

Hope you beat the heat, we got a break from it today as we had a nice breeze.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

It's the bathtub for the Casa critters when the air conditioning goes kaput! It's the highly prized chilling place and, as big as it is, nobody wants to share!

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