Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Fun

For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Avast ye, me buddies! Ye be lookin' mighty fine!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We love your sailing theme. Baby wants to come aboard!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sammy, if you didn't have that hat and patch, we would never have known where your head was. You both look very handsome in your hats.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Brilliant .... LOve the hats.. You two handsoe dudes you.. Hugs GJ xx

The Monkeys said...

We love your pics today and it is such a great pic of Sammy because we can see one of his totally adorable eyes!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

OH....YOU BOTH LOOK SO GREAT!!! Mommy just loves men in uniforms! She wants to give you both lots of belleh rubs!!!!!

We wish you a safe and happy weekend!


Kea said...

LOL! You both look great and we can see your mom is having fun with her photo-editing! :-)

My Mind's Eye said...

Sammy and Andy....Madi just fainted from sheer joy after seeing you two fine looking mancats in hats...she especially likes men on boats...
Happy Weekend,
Mom...wake up Madi...tell they boys bye..

Anonymous said...

ARGGGGGGGGGGGG~!!! Give me treats or ye shall walk the plank!

Andy, Skeeter thinks you looks SO very handsome in your Captain's cap!

Hugs & Smoochies!!!

The Chair Speaks said...

Both look handsome in their hats.

Keiko said...

You're looking very mancatly in your sailing hats! Have a great weekend, handsome kitties!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

Hannah and Lucy said...

Love the hats guys - are you going pirating this weekend.

Brian's Home Blog said...

May you have calm seas and a wonderful weekend!

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful boys in fun hats=looks like you guys are already having a fun weekend!!...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

3 doxies said...

Hahahaha...I looooves it. Ya'll looks so mighty handsome in ya get-up. Is ya'll looking fur tuna.
I wonders if ya'll gots mad at you mom fur doing that...hehehe!
PEES: thank you fur your kind words about Skittles. His family greatly appreciated it.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Arrrgh! Is is Pirate Day...did we miss something? Looking good guys!

Katnip Lounge said...

Sailing the seven seas! Spear a few toonas, will you?

Annie Bear said...

Ha ha! Love Sammy's eye patch! He really has that pirate look, and Andy is perfect as a captain! So cute!

Happy weekend, guys, and to your mom too!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are both super cute pictures of you, but Andy I have to say that when I saw that picture of you the theme to the Love Boat popped into my head!

meowmeowmans said...

Shiver me timbers! You're both looking seafaring and jaunty! :)

Have a great weekend.

Cats in Trees said...

Ahoy there. We would sail the seven seas with you.


Where are we sailing today?




Anonymous said...

I love the hats. They look so Sophistocated.

Glad to see you guys.

Paws & Whiskers,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Pip said...

The Pirate and the Admiral. I finks we will now reinact gilbert and sullivan "Pirates of Penzance"!

We likes these costumes lots!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Cute pictures!

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