Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday..........

Mama and I are thankful for a couple of good pictures of Sammy!!!!!!!

And she's thankful that I always take good pictures!!!!!

And I'm thankful that Round 8 of the Kitty Fight Club is over.
Kudos to my friend Snafu for winning!!!

I want to thank all my dear friends that voted for me.


For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are good pictures of both of you boys.

Karen Jo said...

You both took great pictures. I won't stay still for my Mom to take my picture lately. I am feeling so much better that I move around a lot.


umi_e said...

You are gorgeous!
*Have a nice day*

Jacqueline said...

Great photos of you 2 gorgeously handsome boys; our Mommy wants to bury her face in all those awesome fluffy furs!!...Sorry about the contest Andy, we voted for you; you are always a winner to us!...kisses...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Chair Speaks said...

Both Sammy and Andy look fantastic!

3 doxies said...

Yep, even though ya'll is kitteh kats ya'll is till a winner in my book...gosh, I can'ts believe I actually voted fur a kitteh.
Beautiful pics. It's hard to get good fotos of black animals. Then again, it's hard to get good fotos of me, Puddles.

The Monkeys said...

You're both so handsome!!

We're sorry you didn't win your round of the Kitty Fight Club, but we are happy for Snafu too! It's such a difficult competition.

Love you guys!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Just remember, the fight might be over, but you're a natural winner! The pictures are beautiful!

Kea said...

Those are wonderful photos of you both. :-)

We're thankful for your blog, it always puts a smile on our human's face!

My Mind's Eye said...

Now that is one post full of some mighty fine looking man cats...they got Madi's little heart a pumpin'

Madi and Mom

Raymond and Busby said...

You two fellas are very handsome and very FLOOFY mancats! We're thankful to be your pals.

Anonymous said...

You are both such HANDSOME ManCats! Skeeter is beside herself with your pictures, Andy! She is purring up a storm looking at you! Sorry you didn't win the Kitty Fight Club, we think you're both ALWAYS winners!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Lovely pictures of you both - you have very beautiful furs.

SuziQCat said...

Excellent pics of both boys...agreed that taking a good picture of black cats is difficult!

Rene said...

Wonderful photos. You are beautiful boys.

Annie Bear said...

Fabulous pictures of you two!! Love the new blog look too (if it's not new, forgive me for being slow)!

Sorry that you didn't win the Kitty Fight Club. I thought your picture was a winner.

Mama thought it was cool that your mom got live in Ireland for a year. That must have been amazing.

Katnip Lounge said...

You guys have some of the floofiest furs we've ever seen! What's the name of your stylist?
xx lounge kats

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

They are not just good pictures they are beautiful.. Hugs GJ xx

The Island Cats said...

You both are so photogenic!!

Andy...we're sorry about the contest...but you're still a winner with us!!

Cats in Trees said...

Those are great pictures of you.
Too bad you didn't win Andy, we read it was very close, and Snafu is a formidable opponent.
Now we are right back in that Kitty Fight Club stress, with Paddy's quarter final.

Keiko said...

You are both so gorgeous.
We're loving your beautiful fluff!
Mummy says you would make lovely pillows. (how can she say such a thing... she uses my sister Pricilla as a pillow all the time too) ha!
Us trio think you're so handsome!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Prilla

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You two are both just gorgeous.

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