Monday, May 24, 2010

Mancat Monday - Book Learnin'

There are times you have to make sure you are exceptionally clean.......

And book learnin' is one of those times!!!!!

We are proud to announce that we have been admitted as members to THE GOOD KITTY CLUB!!!! This club was started by Inigo Flufflebum, because he is such a good kitty. Our mama says we are definitely good kitties and deserve to belong!!!! :) Thanks Inigo and Rumblemum. xxxxxx

For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Yes, we can tell that you are good kitties and belong in the club. We think a seniors club is a great idea as we are 13 year-old siblings.

Kea said...

Concats on being members of the Good Kitty Club! Derry and "angel" Chumley are in it too. Not Nicki or Annie. MOL!

Keiko said...

Congratulations on becoming the members of the Good Kitty Club!
We are all in it (Kenji just scraped in).

The seniors club is fabulous! Pricilla will be so happy because she's 12.

We love your pics, they are awesome!

Keiko said...

Oh and the we love the new design!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on being members of the Good Kitty Club. Eric is already a member and I am trying hard to be good so I can be a member too.
We would like to join the Seniors Club because we are 10. We will get mum to look out photos for us.
We haven't forgotten the award you gave us. We will post it later in the week.

The Creek Cats said...

Concats on getting into the Good Kitty Club!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hello, fellow Good Kitties! I am a Charter Member too, although SS doesn't think I am good enough after the recent episodes of naughtiness whilen she was away.

While my 'goodness' is being debated, there is no doubt that I am a senior, aka granny, cat.

SS will be sending a photo of mine to your mommy for inclusion.

My Mind's Eye said...

Andy you are spic and span squeaky clean...and we just know you smell very delightful too and SMART!
Madi and Mom

3 doxies said...

Well, I haves to agree that ya'll is good kittehs...even though there was a time I nevers thought they existed...hehehe!
It's good to be clean...sometimes. Albert likes to clean me fur some odd reason.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats, of course you are Good Kitties!!! Oh yea, and clean too!

The Monkeys said...

Your whites are white, Andy! Nice job keeping yourself nice and clean!

Samson is also a member of The Good Kitty Club, but Delilah, well, she didn't quite make the cut. We think it has something to do with the plant she uprooted the other day!

Raymond and Busby said...

That book looks like it makes a good pillow!

Annie Bear said...

Oh, yes. Actually, I like to be exceptionally clean all the time. Mama says I clean myself too much. You look so cute with your book! Congrats on being a member of the good kitty club. I love the senior badge. My mama is gonna e-mail your mamma a pic of me. Thanks!

SuziQCat said...

You are very good kitties for sure...congrats on becoming members :)

You look ready for the book learning Andy.

We'll be sending photos for the senior club soon. We are all seniors now, since Tanner turned 8 this year!

Anonymous said...

Skeeter is *swooning* at you today, Andy! She had a lovely time with you Furiday and glad you were able to come over. We are going to put Skeeter's "Senior" pic up today, but, can we get one for King and Pandora too?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

All kitties is good kitties, even when dey is nawty...heehee. We gots a couple of senior kitties here, da ladies is really old! Hafta get mom to submit some cute pikshers of dem.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That looks like a very big book. Thanks for letting me join the Senior Kitty Klub.

Congrats on getting in the Good Kitty Club.

Looking forward to getting to know you better.~Socks

PS: Mommy was signed in but I am one of the S's in AFSS. We will be by to visit again soon.

Katnip Lounge said...

W00T! We'll send in pictures, we have a couple senior LadyCats here.
KonaKitty says don't overbathe, that's how she ended up with a bald tummy!

Marg said...

Good job on getting into the Good kitty club. That is wonderful.
We have some candidates for the Seniors club. There are a couple of us. Our assistant needs to get the pictures together or taken. We will mail them to you when we get them together. Thanks for doing this.

Kat's Kats said...

Awwwww! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde are readers as well! You'll be hearing from us about the three eldest. Also, since I don't have food bowls, I want to present you with a virtual teddy bear from my shop. We love smart kitties!!

Jacqueline said...

You boys certainly look like good kitties, congratulations on joining the club!...Such sweet photos of Andy=that boy has so much love in his eyes!...Very cool of you all to start the Senior Kitty Klub...Happy week gorgeous friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Pip said...

You are definitely good kitties, we would belongs to a club that you belongs to!
We thinks the senior kitties club is a good idea too, so the youngins will no that we can teaches them stuff.
Has a great day you two.

HH and The Boys said...

Of course you are good kitties. Cats who make sure they are clean and attend to book learning are exceptionally good kitties. Concatulations on being members of the Good Kitty club!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Yay on becoming members of the Good Kitties Club! We think that is awesome! We also love your idea of a senior kitties club - we will have to get our mom to let the older kitties join up!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You look like you are very good kitties. Congratulations on being members of the Good Kitty Club.
Marshmellow and Peanut both turned eight in January, we will try to send pictures but every time we try lately it doesn't work. Maybe you could take any one of the many pictures of them on my blog. It is a neat idea honoring senior cats.

Mickey's Musings said...

Looking good...and clean Andy!!!!!
Congrats on joining the Good Kitty Club!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

I like that kinda book learnin'!! Glad you demonstrated the RIGHT way to do it!


PS Stay cool!

The Island Cats said...

Geez...we're not in the Good Kitty Club...we can be good...sometimes!

And we love your idea of the Senior Kitty Club. We're all too young to be members but someday we'll be members!

Cory Clark said...

Whoa, that's a pretty big book you're reading! We're impressed!

*sniff sniff* we're not old enough to be in the seniors club & we're too naughty for the good kitty club!! Are there reform classes we could take??

Have a Happy Week!!

Nico & JayJay :)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Congrats on your membership into the Good Kitty Club! Of course you are both GREAT kitties!!! look very cute and clean!

Mommy sends lots of belly rubs and smooches!

love, uSSSSS

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