Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sierra's Big Adventure

I hope you will enjoy this video of me at the vets.....they got me soooooooooooo dirty!!!!!!!!!  It's kinda long, but Sister Bean said she didn't have anything else to do!!!!!!

I now know what a v-e-t is.....and I must say that even though they poked and prodded me and did unmentionable things....and got me really, really, really dirty.....I was a really good girl and charmed everyone there!!!!

I got an excellent report....all tests turned out fine.  Doc says I am about 6 months first he thought I was older (because of my size) but when he looked in my mouth, he said 6 months.  Mama has been saying I'm going to be a big girl.......I already weigh 7 pounds, which is only a pound less than Shelly weighed at a year and a half old!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a return appointment on the 12th for what mama calls a "Spa Day"......and a gardenectomy!!!!!
Does that mean I get to smell the roses????????

Love and Purrs,



Scooter said...

Hey Sierra!
Wow, you're like spider-kitty in that video! BOL, MOL. I bet you were totally clean after that. So glad to hear you got a good check-up. The gardening thing will be a different sort of visit, but it will be alright. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Island Cats said...

Hi Sierra! We're glad you checked out okay at the v-e-t, 'cept for the getting dirty part. We hope you can get all that dirt off of you!!

Mariodacat said...

So very happy you got such a good report, and it's good to see that you are cleaning up after the ordeal. You don't want to carry any of the v.e.t. stink home with you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are you making sure you don't carry any v-e-t smell home with you Shelly?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

HH and The Boys said...

Oh oh.... gardenectomy.... don't know for sure, but don't think it has anything to do with roses. Whatever... you'll be fine.

pawhugs, Max

Marg said...

WE are so glad all those tests came out with good results. Guess they did get you really dirty but you are doing a good job at taking a bath. We will be sending you some purrs that your gardenhectomy turns our just as well. And yes you will be smelling the roses. Take care and all of you have a great day.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sierra, You are doing a great job getting the vet dirt and stink off of you! If you do not get to smell the roses, we will send you one!

Berts Blog said...

Hi Sierra,
So glad all your tests were good. But I wouldn't be a good dog, an honest dog, if I ddin't tell you that your next trip, you know for the "Gardenhectomy" sounds a little suspicious to me.

"Gardenhectomy" that sounds a lot like, "Don't worry Bert, it won't hurt a bit"


So watch your back or your underside girl...


meowmeowmans said...

We are so glad you got such a great report from the V-E-T, Sierra! :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ummmmm Sierra ... I think that GARDENectomy has more to Do with WEEDing than sniffin and Planting.

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! Sierra!!! You are truly a lady! Me and Charlie love your beauty wash at the vets! Yay for you! And aren't you so good and brave and well behaved too! Wow! Awww we are so happy that all the tests are ok! We hope you get lots of roses and treats after your next visit! Yay! take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Sierra, we can imagine how exhausted you were after all that grooming. Wow. They really did get you very dirty, didn't they. We're glad you checked out just fine, though! Purrs for your next appt!

Katnip Lounge said...

HURRAH! for a good check-up! Yup, you always get icky vet-stink at those places. The gardenectomy thingy? Well, we think you would rather NOT know...

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

So glad you checked out ok, we knowed you would.
And charm them, well of course.
You are a real charmer.
I barely weighs 7 pounds right now. Me an Shelly must be about tha same size, kinda smallish.

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Glad you got a good report from the vet. Yup, smell the roses, that's right!

Laura and Taffy

Sparkle said...

I'm glad you checked out well, Sierra! As for smelling the roses, I think you might want to do that before you go back to the vet!

korinna bean said...

its ok Sierra. lots of cats do that .

Two French Bulldogs said...

good video! BOL We are glad the V-E-T had a good report!
Benny & Lily

The Daily Pip said...

He, he, yes that means you will be smelling the roses. So glad, you got a great report.

Your pal, Pip

Dachshund Nola said...

Glad it went good! Oh Sierra, you'll find out what it means soon!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I'm glad it went well, Sierra! My goodness, you're going to be a big girl, aren't you? I hope your ladygardenectomy goes smoothly.

Rene said...

We are glad you had a good check up. You are almost the same size as full-grown Sadie (who is less than 8 lbs!)

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