Tuesday morning when Sisterbean opened the door, this kitten ran in and didn't want to leave, even after she saw us giants that live here!!!!!
She's very tame and the humans think she is so very loveable!!!!! We are checking around the apartment complex to see if she somehow got out of her apartment on Halloween, but we are very fearful that she was either dumped or her previous people moved and left her behind. People can be so cruel to us pawsers!!!!
So far, things are progressing well and there haven't been too many tussles involved. The humans have all fallen in love with her and have named her Sierra.....so if no one claims her, we will become SASS!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for our bad news........mama lost her external hard drive yesterday......it had all her pictures,
add- ons for her graphics program, all her filters, picture tubes, and anything she's made for anyone in the past.
She had several Christmas themes done for those whose blogs she maintains, but those are all totally gone. She is hoping to still be able to make everyone Christmas themes, but at this place in time, she can't promise it.
Concats on the tortico! We hopes that works out ok. Sorry to hear bout your hard drive. That happened to my Mom this summer. Purrs.
What a pretty little kitty. How could anyone leave her behind? Looks like she knew exactly which house to pick though :) What a pain for your mumster, we hope the drive can be fixed and all her hard work found again :)xxxx
What a cutie! How could anyone dump such a little furball? She is smart, at least she knew where to go!
That's terrible about the hard drive. I hope there is some way to save all that data.
Awwwwwwwwww!! Hello there adorable Sierra! What a cutie! Awwww me and Charlie are just so glad she found you all! Yay! She's adorable!
We are so sorry to hear of mum's tech woes! :-( Please give her extra hugs, lovely Sammy, Andy and Shelly! Take care
Sierra is a beauty and a cutie. Hope she gets to stay.
Sorry about the hard drive. We know that losing all your files & pics is heartbreaking.
Love Ruby & Penny
We are so sorry to hear about the hard drive is there any chance of a technician recovering anything from it?
Sierra is such a pretty little kitty - how anyone can just dump their pet is just beyond reason.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
OMC, Sierra's a little doll! We bet she heard on the grapevine about your wonderful home and decided she'd head on over. LOL.
So uh, what do Sammy and Andy think? Shelly would have a playmate closer to her age, at least! And maybe the stately mancats would be left in peace more? :-D
OMC - she is a cutie!! Maybe with her to play with Shelly will leave the boys in peace (we can't imagine what they think about the new chick). We agree that sometimes people are just....you know.
Terrible about the hard drive - mom has all her pictures on her laptop and an additional external drive but lives in fear of this.
Sounds like it's a done deal, Sierra, when the beans give you a name! You will be great company for Shelly. What a gorgeous little tortico you are!
Hi Every Fur Body!
Sierra is a cutie! Me thinks her and Shelly could be good friends.
Our Mommy feels for your Mama! She is going to go make a backup right now!
Sierra is a doll! WE can tell she has moved in! So sorry about the hard drive.
If you add another kitty you will have to use a 'Y" name and become SASSY!
She looks like a kitten. Who wouldn't miss her ?
Sorry to hear about your puter problems.
That Sierra, she's one smart girl!! I'm sure if anyone does show up she'll deny ownership of them and try to remain where she is ;)
Congratulations on your new addition..
we hopes the li'l tortico becomes a regular member of the cast & crew--she sure is cute an' well-behaved!!
we sends gentle headbonks ofur the loss of the hard drive; they're such wunnerful things until they don't werk. hope you can recover SOME data!
Sierra looks like Mommy's very first kitty EVER! She is a cutie-pie! Maybe she'll become Shelly's partner in crime, heh heh.
Purrs for the hard drive disaster...we just SHUDDER thinking about it.
Welcome Sierra, what a beautiful calico you are!!! We hope you can stay with SAS, it's an awesome home :-)
Welcome Sierra. Thank heavens you found the best house in town to run into. God bless all of you.
Oh what a cutie! And we are so sorry to hear about your Mum's external drive. That must feel awful.
Judi, I used to work in data recovery. That is maybe my one area of expertise. I am familiar with low-level data structures, etc. plus the mechanics of hard drives.
Please, ship the external hard drive to me and I will attempt to recover your files.
Do not try to boot up or power on this drive.
I need the drive, the cable, and the power supply, everything needed to make it work.
It is common for drives to fail on the first weather changes of the year, particularly summer to fall. They experience striction (hope I spelled it right) where the internal delicate parts stick.
I used to maintain computer labs for a local college and after the first cold front, I knew I would have to go through computer by computer, to "unstick" each hard drive so the computers would work.
I've emailed my mailing address. Send it in a medium flat rate Priority Mail box, well padded.
And leave the drive alone, don't try to use it.
Love & Purrs,
Mom ML
Sierra is such a cutie. I hope you are able to get your external hard drive fixed.
We hope yoo get to keep the beautiful kitten ~ she deserves a lovely loving home.
Sorry about yoor momma's hard drive ~ that sux.
Hello Sierra, you sure are a pretty one!
Sierra is a doll! We hope she stays with you. We know she would have a wonderful home with all of you guys.
So sorry about your hard drive. I hope some of your files can be recovered. It would be awful to lose your pictures.
From all of us
Oh, she is so cute. We can see why everyone is in love with her. Sorry about the harddrive crash, and to think we were just getting ready to start conacting you for some work on the blog. Good Luck, sounds like a blog buddy maybe able to help you out. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Sierra is a cutie!
Mom is so worried about losing pictures that she just started doing 2 back ups!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Well you are just like me, gathering cats. Sierra is so darn cute. She knew where to go. Let us all know if you need help with vet bills etc.
So sorry you lost your external drive. It sounds like ML might be able to get it back for you. I sure hope so.
We hope you get to keep Sierra too. We will have an auction for Sierra.
good try you almost blocked the camera. You sure are a cutie
Oh!!! This is the kind of news that we like to hear. We know Sierra (if her home isn't found, of course) will be a perfect addition! We are so happy for you all :) Welcome Sierra!
She looks very at home already!
What a cute kitty! We are almost hoping no one claims her.
Ugh! Computers. Hope ML is able to help you.
Laura and Taffy
Sierra is adorable! And maybe with her around, she can play with Shelly more and Sammy and Andy will get a break!!
Sorry about the hard drive...we sure hope it can get fixed.
OMC! Sierra sure is cute!
We are so sorry to hear about your mama's hard drive. :(
Sierra is SO KYOOOOT!
Luf, Us
Sierra is a darling. If she stays, I am thinking that she and Shelly can be buddies and Sammy and Andy will get a break. I am terribly sorry about your external drive. I hope ML can fix it for you.
Hi Sierra!! You are such a cutie and we know you knew the place to be!! And we hope ML cam fix your drive for you!!
((((((HUGGGGSSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
What a little cutie Sierra is! How could anyone leave her like that? We are so happy she found a good home. Sorry, about your hard drive. The mom lives in fear of something like that happening! She needs to learn how to back up files (boo!).
Sierra is such a cutie! That's great that you are all getting along already!
Sorry to hear about the hard drive. Pesky technology.
Aww, this girl knew where to seek shelter! We love the name Sierra, and she is just adorable.
Bummer about the hard drive. We've had one fail too and it stinks!!
That is one darling little cutie. In am sorry your mum lost her hard drive and hope she can get something sorted because she will be so sad.. Hugs GJ xx cant comment as me
Sierra is a little sweetie. She certainly knew the right door to turn up to. We hope you were able to recover the files on your hard drive.
Sierra is Beootiful! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
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