Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shelly and Andy on Sunday

 Things are slowly progressing with my brofurs.........the only problem is that at times I want to play with them and that causes problems!!!!!!  Mama says I need to forget trying to play with them as they are seniors and have been outta their "kitten stage" for quite a while.

They are both nice and mainly ignore me and let me do my thing.....that is until I want to play with them and pounce on them....then they BOTH get very hyper and growl and hiss and chase me away!!!!!!!  What's a girl to do to win over her handsome brofurs?????

Love and Purrs,


The Chair Speaks said...

Shelly, try headbutting and licking them brofurs. We believe it will work.

Princess Jasmine said...

Shelly its very hard when your brothers are quite a bit older. But hang on in there cause big kitties can't help reverting back to being a kitten every so often. You just have to be there when it happens and you will get a good playing session with them :)xx

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, Shelly, I wish I knew the answer! You and Melly are in the same boat. I think Scarlett and your brofurs would get along great since they could just hang out and be old and non-playful together. Are there any games that your brofurs like, like da bird or laser pointer? Maybe you could all do something like that together.

Sparkle said...

Shelly, you are just going to have to accept the fact that Sammy and Andy are nice most of the time, but they are also old fuddy-duddies!

Old Kitty said...

Gorgeous Shelly!! You are truly working your magical charm with your wonderful brofurs Andy and Sammy!! They will soon find their inner kitties, don't you worry! Yay! Have a great Sunday!! Hello to your mum too! take care

Scooter said...

Hey Shelly!
Wow, that's a tough one! I don't have any brothers, and I'm no kitty, so I'm not sure I can help at all. I gotta say that even seniors need to kick up their heels sometimes, so I say just keep showing them how much fun you're having and soon they'll want to join in a little. Great pix!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

Purrrseverance is what you need sweet Shelley. Those fuddy-duddy brothers will come round when they see how much fun they could be having playing with you. The older kitties here took a long time to be friends with Miley, Olivia and Willow but now even Whisker Biscuit(aka, Miss Moody Pants!) plays with them sometimes.

Hugs and snuggles for you all,

The Island Cats said...

Shelly, when I was little I lived with a geezer cat, Scooter, and I wanted to play with him all the time but he never wanted to play with me. My mom tried to play with me lots so I wouldn't bother Scooter so much. Eventually Scooter learned to accept me.


The Florida Furkids said...

We think they will come around and be friends but we're purrty sure they are not going to go back to kitten play. Maybe you can play with a great toy with your Mom?

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think you are making Grrrrreat pawgress. Just be patient.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Shelly, we wish you could teleport over here as we LOVE to play with each other! We would love to welcome you in the fun!

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful Shelly, we think you should try to cuddle with them a lot and groom the tops of their heads and ears; after some quality bonding time, maybe they will be more willing to play...Have a fun Sunday, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Brian's Home Blog said...

The best thing you can do sweet Shelly is just be you!!!

Marg said...

Oh Shelly, life is rough sometimes. It sounds like you are making a little progress. Everyone has to learn the other one's rules. Maybe Mom could find a game that the boys like to do, and play with all three of you. Could be though that the boys just don't want to play. Our oldies around here don't do much playing. Take care.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Shelly darling..I am a senior girlbut I feel certain that I would love to play wif you..another glowing Tortie girl. xoxo

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Angel here! I have just the opposite problem. My brothers want to play and I would rather be left alone! They are always chasing me and making me cry!

HH and The Boys said...

Don't give up Shelly... they may go into a second childhood and you'll be ready to play.

Happy Sunday to all of you.

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

Sweet Shelly maybe curling up beside them to nap will work so you can be near your brofurs. If that works maybe they will love your sweet cuddly self so much they will play with you some. Hugs and nose kisses

Katnip Lounge said...

We think you should start with an ear wash, that always leads to playing here!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hmmm, here's a thought. How about a new young kitty for you to play with? That's what the boys here wish that Mom would do so Ciara would leave TD alone for a bit:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sweet Purrfections said...

Good luck, Shelly. I hope your brothers accept you soon.

I'm back blogging now and have a new blog set up for my future furchildren. Please come by for a visit at

Mom Paula

Willow said...

Shelly your charm will win over Sammy and Andy they are just a little set in their ways.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Beautiful Shelly, we have a feeling you will win them over very soon! We went to the country today and saw a kitty that looked almost just like you and she was so sweet!!! We wanted to bring her home but they said no!! Keep staying will win those boys over soon! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Kwee Cats said...

Awww, dis keep being your own cute, sweet, self. They'll come around. Domino finally did, mostly, to our three youngest. So, we just believe it'll work out for you too. We like that new banner with those flowers! That's pretty and we love those colors!

See ya later!

Rene said...

Keep trying, Shelly! :-)

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