Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tortie Tuesday with Shelly

Hey there, friends!!!!!!!!!

Shelly here to wish you a
really grand day.......

There have been questions about how
The Boys and I are getting along.

The main problem seems to be I'm
still very "kittenish" and want to
play with them.....and they are 
grumpy old men and don't want to play!!!!!!

See me under the table??????
Shortly after the picture was
taken, I pounced out on my brofur,
Andy, wanting to play.......
you wouldn't believe all
the hissing, growling and ugliness
he showered on me!!!!!!!

I'm not afraid of either of them,
so I will soldier on and in time I 
know  we will all love each other.  :)

I would also like to announce
our sweet friend Sukki's Gotcha
Day....I hope you will help
her celebrate!!!!

Love and Purrs,



Angel Simba said...

As you say, Shelly, they are grumpy old men. I am sure they love you in their own way.

The Monkeys said...

You've got the best attitude, Shelly! How can they not love you? We know they'll come around.

We will go wish Sukki a very happy Gotcha day!

Admiral Hestorb said...

oh Shelly honey...try to re-think your approach with those old guys?

love you three. xoxoxo and your mommy too.

Mr Puddy said...

I would say, Lucky you got a laser eyes, Shelly !

Princess Jasmine said...

Keep pouncing Shelly they will play soon. Maybe they are waiting until you are a little bigger cause they are frightend of hurting you. I had to keep on at Simba to play and he is fine now. Although, he always tells me when enough is enough. Do I listen though........;)xx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

SHELLY... you should make a MOVIE.. Call it:
Grumpy Old GUYS.. hehehe

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Shelly!!! Your charm and winning purrsonality will win gorgeous Andy and Sammy over - me and Charlie just know it! Yay!!!

We are so happy for gorgeous Sukki!! And we love your new look blog - so pretty!! Take care

HH and The Boys said...

Yep... I think you've analyzed it right. They are just not in that playing mood. Hang in there, Shelly

I'm on my way over to see Sukki...

have a great day, pals.

pawhugs, Max

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Shelly, you seem determined to get the old guys to play and I bet they will come around in time! How can they pass on your beauty! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

The Kewl~Kitty~Krew said...

All in due time, Shelly. When Cricket came to live here, she was kittenish too and got whapped by King, Pandora, and Skeeter (RIP), but over time, they just started playing. It will happen for you too, pretty girl!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Shelly, you just need another young cat to play with. LOL.

Still, we think if anyone can win the mancats over, it's definitely you!

Random Felines said...

Yep - them grumpy old men are no fun. Maybe your mom can find you some interactive toys to play with so you can give them a break. :)

The Chair Speaks said...

Hey Shelly, them grumpu old men are handsome dudes and are great fun once you get to know them well! Chin up and purr pretty Shelly.

Rene said...

You keep trying, Shelly. Maybe someday they will play with you!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think you should just be you, they will come to love you as we all do!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We can send Ichiro over to play...

My Mind's Eye said...

Shelly we are confidenty your sweet Tortie face will eventually win the crotchety old geezers love and devotion very soon.
Hugs Madi

Anonymous said...

Dear Shelly,
Kozmo here. I KNOW exactly how you feel! that Penelope really likes to his and growl when I try to play with her. I think she is a grumpy old lady! But She does be nice to me sometimes.
Wish I could play with you!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Be patient Shelly - they'll suddenly realise what fun they are missing with you and will be
like putty in your paws.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Shelly, you need a younger kitty friend! Baby is glad, though, that Jack has become too old and stuff to attack her any more...he was really annoying.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We thought we heard hissing, BOL
Benny & Lily

Marg said...

Shelly, it sounds like you have that Tortitude. The boys are just used to having a nice quiet life but they need to play too. We know all of you will get along really soon. Take care and have a super Tuesday.

Meowers from Missouri said...

happy purrthday, shelly! them boys is just gonna hafta get up to speed wif yer tortitude;-)

Athena said...

The boys just need to get used to playing again, that's all! Keep your spirits up and your sweet tortie head high.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I think you need to keep it up and they will melt towards you as you are so cute.. Hugs GJ xx

Sparkle said...

Shelly, you just sound like a girl who wants to have fun! The boys will have to cope.

Willow said...

Shelly that is a lovely blanket you are resting on and older brothers really do love their pesky younger sister. Thank you for visiting I am not going to the V-E-T because I am very purry today. Being a first kitty Mom is a little overprotective sometimes, but I know it just because she cares.


You just keep being the sweet girl that you are and you will win them over.


The Island Cats said...

Shelly, too bad those boys won't play with you. Maybe your mama can play with you, then you won't hafta bother with those boys.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Sukki.

Ciara says she is in the same boat as you, Shelly. She has to work so hard to get the boys here to play with her too. Tough being a girl sometimes.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Hm, that sounds like a familiar problem! Scarlett is a grumpy ol' gal, and Melly wants to play constantly. I have found that they get along a lot better when there's something to do, like if I get out the laser pointer or the feather wand, or if there's a bird out the window. If Melly is bored and Scarlett is just trying to mind her own business, THAT is when the trouble starts!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hang in there, Shelly, i'm sure the brofurs luv you. You'll prolly extend their years, too. My sisfur keeps us all young.Purrs.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Keep persevering Shelly, you will win them round eventually.

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