I'm a senior kitty and think
this "playing" stuff is a
bunch of nonsense......but
there are times a mancat has
to give in and play a bit just
so the humans will leave me
If I ignore them, maybe they'll go away!!
All that exertion........
Now I need to go take a nap!!!!!!!!
You are the man-cat my friend!!
Simba likes to play when he thinks nobody is looking. He goes all silly if you catch him out hee he :)xx
I think it's great that you love the stick, but couldn't care less about the actual toy, Sammy!
Awww beautiful Sammy!! You are so a young kitty at heart!! Yay!! Enjoy your stick!!!
Hugs too to sweet Shelly and Andy (maybe they'd like the treats you don't like?) and mum! Take care!! x
Whew... you were flying around that picture so fast, I didn't even see you move.... Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
You still got it, Sammy!
Your pal, Pip
Sammy, some of us like to play with the stick too. It is fun to chew on. Great pictures. Hope all of you have a really good weekend. Take care.
We bet you play best when the flashy box isn't out!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You're obviously an expert stick killer Sammy, do you have one of those tiny lights that the human shine around the floor and you have to chase it - that's a Stoopid game! See you at the picnic guys, we've saved the fishies for you Dex & Lou
Sweet Samy please tell Mommy it's hard to comment jusy now. mom prays her fracture heals fast. xoxo
Are you enjoying playing, maybe just a little?
It's more like the torture chamber, BOL
Benny & Lily
We still play (us senior cats) but not as often. We want to thank your Mom again for the special badge for Chica's birthday coming up. We are so excited!
Sometimes the stick is the fun part!
We like sticks too, sometimes more than the toy part of it!
Sammy, even us seniors need to play from time to time! It makes my mom go all silly when she sees or hears me kicking the stuffings out of some mousie. It's nice to throw a bone to the moms once in a while!
Your senior friend, Fuzzy
Sammy, you are so handsome!! We think you might like playing with your stick more than you are letting on!! Have a wonderful day! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
what is that? you need someone to come and eat those treats for you?! HANSEL CAT TO THE RESCUE!
Please drop by our bloggy on monday, 6.20.11, we are trying to introduce a very special friend in need of a home!
MOL Sammy you are right sometimes we have to humor the 2 leggers. They are easily entertained that is for sure. I too like the toys on a stick..especially my Da Bird; however I do not like my lavendar octopus on a stick. Everytime mom gets it out I hiss at it.
MOL Madi
When one is older it is important to play once in a while or The Moms get worried sick and take us to the V-E-T!
Sammy, I do not play as much as I used to. I am SEVEN. Years.
OH how rude they poke you around with it. BOL! My new kitty sister, Pumpkin has one of those flimsy toys too. It's hanging in her penthouse.
Being a senior girl myself, I don't like playing much either, but give me nip and I become a very young kitty!
Dear Sammy,
Us old folks may not play the longest, but we plays the bestest!
Playtime and naps just seem to go paw in paw!
Sammy, we think you surprised yourself and are having a good time!
Afffff! Have humans!!! They´re so bored sometimes!
Aw, Sammy, you're never too old to play! Do you like the stick better than the string? Scarlett does too.
Sumtimes, you just gotta cut loose, dood. Have a pawsome weekend.
Sammy, we like the stick, too! Have a great weekend. :)
Hey Sammy, looks like you had a great time playing. It's always nicer when Mom or Dad plays with you. Yep, naps always follow play time.
Arrite, common Sammy, fess up! You know very well you are not telling the truth there. You KNOW you love the toy just for the human that is attached to the other end. That's what the thrill is all about.
Now, that said, I'll say this. I likes the pictures. You lookin really good for and old purrbutt. Definitely.
Just dropping by to say hello. I may have some exciting news in about 4 weeks to share with everyone so stay tuned . . .
Mom Paula
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