Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Yesterday afternoon, mama was watching a movie....and she always puts on headphones when she watches tv or a movie.....

She heard a lot of sirens, etc, over the headphones, but didn't think too much of it, cuz we live in the medical centers part of San Antonio so always have a lot of sirens.

Then our sisterbean called mama and  told her to look out the window cuz she heard our apartment complex was on fire!!!!!!!!!

Thankfully it wasn't terribly serious and was contained to two apartments.....the ones in the building facing us.

We got to watch all the excitment.......mama counted 9 fire trucks!!!!!!!!  Several ambulances, police cars and various other vehicles that respond to fires.  Mama said she felt comforted that response was so good in our area.

Thankfully, it was quickly put out and no one was injured.....but it gave us several hours of watching all that was going on across the way.

We haven't heard what the cause was.

Today us boys are making up for the food we missed while watching all the excitment!!!!

Love and Purrs,

Sammy and Andy


Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your heads down bums up picture boys - was it really tasty?
Thank goodness you are all safe and the fire was quickly put out.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Pip said...

How exciting! Was it better than Bird-TeeVee?
We is glad you gets good response in your area. We likes that you are safe.
Love, TK and Squashies

Anonymous said...

Scary, we're glad your Ok!

Old Kitty said...

Oh lovely Sammy, Andy, Shelly and Mum!!! Me and Charlie are so glad you are all safe!! That was very close!! Phew!!! Please take care

The Monkeys said...

Oh we are so happy you're all okay!

The fire alarm in our apartment is SO loud, we're sure your Mama would hear that one! Every time it goes off we all run and hide!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Whoa, that's scary! I'm glad you weren't affected and that the emergency response was so speedy and thorough!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That's scary - thank goodness for Sisterbean or you might have missed all the excitement. Thankfully you are all OK.

Love that pic of you boys dining together.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

My Mind's Eye said...

What a cute picture two bros sharing a meal!!
Thank goodness the fire was not serious. Fires scare us.
Hugs madi

Marg said...

Gosh, thank heavens it wasn't your apartment that was on fire. And we are so glad no one was hurt. Bet all of you were glued to the windows watching all the excitement. You two boys look so cute having your dinner together.

Cat said...

We are glad the fire wasn't in your building and that all of you are safe!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, I'm so thankful you all didn't have any problems! I'll be it was kind of exciting though!

Kea said...

Wow, we're glad it wasn't serious! That's one of our mom's biggest fears, trying to get us into PTUs and safe in an emergency like a fire. We're glad you didn't have to evacuate your own building!

Maybe it was a cigarette or pot left on a burner? Those seem to be the most common causes.

-Fuzzy Tales

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Thank goodness all of you are okay! That's scary!! It sounds like the response time is really good and that is always great to know! Love the picture of the boys eating! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am glad it wasn't in YOUR building!! THAT would be really awful. Enjoy your ... belated dinner!

Random Felines said...

That is scary. We have to admit - this is the one thing that freaks mom out. She just isn't sure how we would all get out of the house and if we got out how she would find us all again (which is another good reason we have microchips). We hope your neighbors are all OK.

GreatGranny said...

You boys are so cute catching up on your missed meals. We are so happy you all are safe. We live about a mile from the hospital and hear sirens a lot.
xoxo Kassey and her Mom

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness glad you are safe!
Benny & Lily

Sweet Purrfections said...

Good thing it wasn't your place. Perhaps your mom should reconsider the headphones! MOL

Admiral Hestorb said...

LOok at you two and your ample um...let's, comfortable bums showing. Eat up boys!!

Rene said...

That must have been scary! We are glad that you weren't hurt or displaced by the fire!

Sagira said...

That is crazy that someone had to call you to tell you that your building was on fire. Didn't the fire alarms go off? EEK!

Glad you're all safe and sound though.

JC said...

Wild day for sure ...

Daniela said...

oh my stars, that is so scary. I hope noone was hurt. At least you guys got some yummie's out of it


The Island Cats said...

That musta been exciting!! But we sure are glad it wasn't your building or that no one was hurt!!



That was some excitement!
We are glad you were not hurt or inconvenienced at all.And we hope that there was minimal damage to the homes that were affected.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Sparkle said...

I am glad you all were safe! My human once had something similar happen - she was on the phone with a friend and kept hearing helicopters. It got really annoying because she could barely hear to talk, and she looked out of the window of her condo... and the nearby hill her window faced was on fire! The helicopters were dropping water to put out the flames. Fortunately, the fire did not spread.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we are so glad that you are all safe and that the only participation you had in that excitement was as observers! We are glad that no one was hurt in the fire and we think it is smart of you to catch up on the foods you missed now that things have calmed down.

meowmeowmans said...

How scary that must have been! We are glad to hear everyone is okay.

Anakin Man said...

We are glad no one got hurts and evfuryones okay~
very cute pho-toes of evuryone eating 'der foods

Anakin Man

The Daily Pip said...

So scary! I am glad you are all OK! Yesterday must have been the day for scary fires. Last night my mom was downstairs working on the computer. She had a feeling to to go upstairs and when she did she smelled a horrible scent. Somehow (and we still don't know how), my feline sister Rosie had jumped up on the stove and singed her whiskers. The burners were not on, but we think when she jumped she must have hit the knob and turned it on. Thank goodness she was OK and it wasn't worse. My little sister's bedroom is right off the kitchen so it could have been terrible ...mama was pretty shaken by the whole thing.

Your pal, Pip

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

thank goodness it wasn't in your building and very happy to hear that everyone is ok!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad you are OK and the fire did not affect yoU!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Wow! That would make us hungry, too.

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