Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Togetherness Tuesday...a/k/a Brotherly Love

You will see lotza pictures of us together, 
because we spend a lot of time together.  
It's called brotherly love.

That's not Andy......
Who is it?????

It's Snowflake!!!!!!!!!!!
Korinna Bean got her for Christmas.

She meows, purrs, grooms herself,
moves her head and her legs, etc
...she's almost real!!!!

But Sammy prefers to lay next to Andy.

After having her digital camera for nearly 4 years,
our mama has finally decided she can do the
video thing!!!!  Sometimes she is so sharp, but 
sometimes we really wonder about her!!!!!!!

Here is the second video she has made of us....
lighting could be better, but it was really overcast. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Sammy and Andy


Mr Puddy said...

Sammy and Andy,
You know what your second photo is illusion !!!!
In some how it's look like Sammy is so huge and have a long body !!!
But I just love that photo....Wicked !


Sparkle said...

Sammy looks a little put out, having to pose with Snowflake! She certainly can't compare to Andy!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Hmmm, figures beans would come up with some kind of mechanical cat. At least it keeps the little beans from torturing us real cats. We like your video eating snacks together. We like to eat together too, and we have been sleeping on the bed together lately also.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

So cute!! Now we's hungry.. hee hees

love 'da kitty stuffie..

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww gorgeous Sammy and Andy are so sweet and super cute together!!! Yay!!

Snowflake is lovely too but there's only one Andy for Sammy!

I'm at work so can't watch the clip but will do when I get home!! Well done mum for figuring out how to get video clips!! Take care

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh me and mommy LURVED that video and lurved those pictures. Those beautiful gorgeous fluffy boys! ♥♥♥

Pip said...

I loves seeing you lays togefur. Squashies won't let me sleeps with her!
We loves your treats bideo. We wants treats now too!

The Daily Pip said...

You two are SO CUTE. I try to curl up with my feline siblings, but they just won't have it! I always get left out.

Your pal, Pip

The Monkeys said...

You guys are so adorable together and we love the video of you and the treats!

Marg said...

Some of us brofurs like to snuggle together too. Love the picture of Snowflake. Glad you noticed Sammy. Great video. Looks like Andy doesn't eat many of the treats.
Sammy and Andy, tell Mom that I will have the pictures for her today. Take care and have a wonderful Tuesday.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I love listening to YOU in the background as much as I love seeing your precious boys! They are adorable!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I would like to curl up with you on a cold day. Butt I can't purr.. I'm just sayin'.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You Mom is doing great with the videos - wish we could get ours to show our fun in the snow. We don't do too much of that snuggling stuff although Ciara does try to hone in on TD's space.

The Momster is sitting here trying to give Sammy and Andy some tummy rubs:)

Woos~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

HH and The Boys said...

Happy Tuesday to you too... Those pictures are wonderful.
pawhugs, Max

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were great brotherly love pics and your Mom did real good on the snack video!!!

Kea said...

We're not sure about Snowflake! She looks cute, but we don't know we'd want to snuggle up with her. :-P

We loved your treat bonanza video!

Unknown said...

Great video great brothers!
Love Nellie

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We LOVE the video ~ the treats look yummy!

3 doxies said...

123...awwwwwwwwwe! How sweet! You two are so precious togethers. Personally, I likes to snuggle withs brudder cuz him all warm and stuffs.
Hehehe...my girl has one of them fake kittehs too and well...it kinda freaks me out.


Hannah and Lucy said...

We do lots of things together but WE DONT SHARE OUR TREATS!!

Angel Simba said...

Those close together snuggles are so sweet.

Some good "vacuuming" action in the video: it is interesting that Andy is thin under his floof. I am too. Mom says long fur takes a lot of nutrients to grow, and then if I shed it and keep growing more, I will likely stay thin, which I guess is healthier for me.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sammy and Andy...
At first mom could not tell Andy ended and Sammy began...with Sammy at your back where your black fur is it was just a continuous picture.

Great munching video..mom is staying home today!!! We just heard a fire truck slide into the median it was so slippery...and you know how much they weigh. Mom said her little CR-V did not stand a chance on the road.
Hugs Madi

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I couldn't see your video, I am on dial up it would take all day to load.
So have a good Tuesday, stay warm!!
XX, Bambi & Fern

SeaThreePeeO said...

That looks like a very comfortable blanket to nap on!

Raymond and Busby said...

Brotherly love is a great thing!

Katnip Lounge said...

hee hee, we get treats when Mommy wants us to "behave" and pose too! Good video, we'd love to hear your Meows!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

You two kitties are absolutely beautiful!! We love the pictures and the video is great! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We enjoy seeing pictures of brotherly love


Both of you are so sweet...none of us will get close to the other, so there is no snuggling. The only one we snuggle with is Mom. That was a wonderful video.


Sagira said...

You can see how much you love each other.

Love the video...they are so much fun. :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We agree with you, brotherly love and snuggles is great. We liked the video. Sammy is a hoover like Eric.

Cara n Crew said...

Sammy and Andy, you are sweethearts! We liked the movie and we can tell you are both so loved!

We would be having kitty wars over the treats, mol!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You boys are just the greatest. We loved the video. Keep up with that brotherly love, it's the best when you have a brother to snuggle or play with.

Kristin G. said...

You boys are purrty! Hope you don't mind my saying. :)

The Island Cats said...

You two are so cute together!! Keep up with that brotherly love!!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Aw, I love the snuggly pictures! Scarlett and Melly don't really do that, but Star and Comet always did - it was the cutest thing!

Great video, too - such delightfully floofy boys!

lupie said...

Such lovely, sweet photos!
Hugs to your mama too!!

umi_e said...

Hi...Sammy prefers to lay next to Andy because Snowflake is just fake :p

miriam said...

Sammy and Andy are absolutely adorable, the video made it more real.
Anyone can see they adore each other.

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