We're doing a FLASHBACK WEEK...
except for Friday which will be new beauties in hats.
except for Friday which will be new beauties in hats.
This originally posted on February 15, 2010.
(the Half Butterfly Lip Dudes) are off
on another mancat adventure today.

They invited Sam along, but he said he'd
rather stay SAFE at home and sleep!!!! Then
he shook his head and muttered something
about "these younsters nowdays"!!!!!

That was a fun flashback. I think I would side with Sam, though. I don't like heights.
Oh my goodness, that looks quite dangerous. We think that we will stay with Sammy!
Hi Andy!!!
Hi Sammy!!!
Oh gorgeous Sammy!! Me and Charlie approve of your priorities!! Sleep and napping always comes first!
But look at adventurous Andy and his amazing friend Luigi!! We are in AWE!! Yay!!!
Cat-acombs - LOL!!!
take care
Great flashback! So much fun!
Andy and Sam,
Happy MOnday! I thinks I would have stayed home wif Sam!! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We're with you, Sammy! Andy is such a daredevil cat!
OMC....Mom said look at those two jumping out of a purrfectly good airplane...What were they thinking?
Madi and Mom
That was fun and wonder of wonders, our mom actually remembered it! (It's always touch and go with her brain cells, you know!)
Happy Monday!
That was fun. Perhaps Sammy was tired.
uh i is wif you, Sam. skydiving is scary!
Wow, y'all are flying high fur sure!
Skeeter is hoping that Andy is skydiving over our house! The rest of us agree with Sammy. Naps are the best!!! Happy Monday!!!
Hugs and smooches to you all with extra from Skeeter to Andy!
We love flashbacks. They are fun!
We'd probably stay home with Sam too. :-)
That looks like fun - can we come too next time please.
Bombs away! This is gonna be a fun week!
Wow, skydiving cats! How very adventurous and suave they look! I will nap along with Sammy, I think.
I thinks I has seen eveything nows...hehehe!
Ya'll stay safes!
This is great - we love the "half-butterfly lip dudes." (Dobby says he agrees with Sammy though!)
I'm with sweet Sam...I'll snuggle wif him.
Looks to scary for us. We will stop with you too Sammy.
Sammy's got the right idea!
Haha!! That's quite an adventure you dudes are on!!
Sammy probably knew best. We are glad this was a flashback or else we would be wondering if it was a safe landing.
Hi Sammy and Andy, great pics today, Andy you are a daredevil to be sure!
I wanted to thank you for the kind words you left on my blog after Molly died. It was so very comforting to hear from friends during this difficult time! Also, I'm so glad that Molly became a member of the Kool Seniors Kitty Club at the end of August :-)
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