Friday, September 10, 2010

Femme Friday - Cats In Hats

Look who were "hatted" this week!!!!!!
There are lotza girls at Margs Pets, but only these 
three beauties requested to be fitted. They reside 
with various other kitties, dogs, donkeys, goats....
and the list may go one, but that's all we can think
of right now......It's definitely a pet haven!!!!!!

 Appearances are in alphabetical order
Click on each picture for best viewing




 Have a totally "fab" weekend!!!!!!
Mama has been busy making badges
for Ms. Amy and the NKC the last
couple days, but we're telling her we
have to visit our friends and catch up
on what's happening this weekend!!!!!!!

If you are a member of The Naughty
Kitty Club and have the old badge
please go by the NKC blog and replace 
it with the new one you will find in the sidebar.

Sammy and Andy

Please visit our other blogs:
Cute Critters
Say What??


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet ladies. Angle would like to have a hat!

The Chair Speaks said...

Oh, the ladies are so pretty!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

BOOTIFUL ladies *happy sigh*

Anonymous said...

Once Again...stunning girls today!

Keep an eye out for the man in blue...he may be coming with your package today!!!

Skeeter is sending sweet nuzzles to Andy and we send BIG hugs to you all!

Marg said...

Thanks so much Sammy and Andy for doing this for us. Our post is almost ready. Have a great week end.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, they just look lovely!!!

Hi Sammy!!

Hi Andy!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Deese kittehs is furiends of mine too! I thinks dey looks beeootifuls.

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

meowmeowmans said...

We always thought Gertrude, MewMew and Tabatha were gorgeous, but we have to say they look absolutely stunning in their hats!

Have a great weekend, Sammy, Andy and MamaBug! :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Sammy and Andy...lovely ladies in hats...looks like Blogger cut off your 3rd didn't post 4 or our pictures today!!!
Boo Blogger and I've noticed several other blogs missing pictures,
Madi and Mom

Old Kitty said...

Yay!!! The beautiful kitty femmes at Marg's Pets now have very pretty hats!! Tabatha, MewMew and Gertrude are stunning!!

thank you lovely Sammy and Andy and mum!

Take care

Kea said...

Lovely hats for such lovely ladycats!

We wish you all wonderful weekend!

Brian's Home Blog said...

The ladies are so very beautiful!!!

Mishkat said...

Purrs to Marg's beautiful girls - they look lovely in the gorgeous hats!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Marg's ladies look so stylish and pretty with their gorgeous hats.

Jacqueline said...

What beautiful girls from Marg's; it is certainly a pet haven there=they are so lucky to be loved by wonderful Marg!...Happy Friday, sweet friends; kisses, handsome boys...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Annie Bear said...

Awww...they all so pretty and fetching in their hats.

Cat Wisdom 101 said...
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Cat Wisdom 101 said...

What a purrfect job! I love Marg and all her creatures. Her kitty Splitters is having a long distance romance with my feral boy Domino at Cat Saturday. My old Siamese girl Coco would love to be hatted. She is a true grande dame.

Katnip Lounge said...

We love "Hat" days! Mommy really wishes we would wear real hats since thay look SO cute.

Never gonna happen, Mommy. Dream on.

Neyland D. Cat said...

Cats in hats! There is nothing I like more than a lovely lady in a fine, fancy hat. Hello ladies. My name is Neyland D. Catt. Please allow me to entrance you with my suave sophistication. I...*hack!* ...*cough!* Wow. Worst time for a hairball. Ever.


Neyland D. Catt

Cory Clark said...

Fabulous hats!! That's the best way to wear them too!

Have a happy day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

Cara n Crew said...

They are beautiful in their hats!

-Pip, SMidgen, Minnie

The Island Cats said...

Those are some beauties!!

Ingrid said...

You look ready to go to Ascot for the horse racing, lol !

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We popped over to say THANK YOO for helping to make the noo NKC badges. We love them. Ours is on our sidebar now.


cats of wildcat woods said...

They look maaarvelous!

Angel Simba said...

Beeeyoootiful choices as usual, boys.

I am not in the NKC, just the GKC, though sometimes Mom thinks I should be a member of both!

Pip said...

The ladies are looking good in those hats! We not ever been to Marg's. Thanks for sharing them wif us!

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