Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Black Hole

So many of Sammy's pix don't turn
out......he is usually our "black hole."
(If you look very closely on this
shot, you will see one eye!!!!!!)

Mama's taken bunches of pix of him
....and of him and me......
on our wonderful Peggy's blankie, but
Sammy has always been a black hole....
so here is our much loved "black hole"
on our wonderfully soft and cuddly blankie.



For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby can see how handsome he is. Cats can see the detail in the black hole.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Sammy is simply being an elusive panther... on the other hand, his awesome personality sucks us in so maybe he is a black hole after all!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We like the new look for the blog my friends!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww gorgeous Sammy!!! You are a beautiful floofy velvety kitty!! Me and Charlie love your silkiness!! Thank you adorable Sammy and mum for sharing this fab pic of sweet Sammy!

Take care

The Monkeys said...

You're still as handsome as can be, Sammy! We love your blankie too!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

It is very hard to take a picture of such a very handsome black panther with lots of floof! MOL

Mommy LOVES this picture! We are so happy that you love your blankie!

Hi Sammy!!!

Hi Andy!!!

Are you staying cool???

The Chair Speaks said...

Sammy is such a handsome cat!

Kea said...

Sammy, you still are a beautiful "black hole!" :-)

My Mind's Eye said...

Sammy you are indeed a mysterious looking object today. Thank you for at least showing us one of your beautiful eyes.

Happy Tuesday,
Madi and Mom

SuziQCat said...

You're a beautiful black hole Sammy!! It is hard to get good shots of black cats for sure...Devon and Smokey are usually fuzzy or too dark, unless I flash at them, which they hate.

Angel Simba said...

Mom tried to take a couple of pictures of my brother's black dog and you couldn't see her eyes. She is also a black hole!

cats of wildcat woods said...

We have several black holes..it is frustrating! Love yours tho!

Raymond and Busby said...

Ha! Our Mom says the same thing about me. I'm hard to photograph. xo, Raymond

HH and The Boys said...

I'm loving the background on your bloggie. Wow!

As for Sammy.... He's a wonderful ball of fluff.... Beautiful!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sammy - we know you are handsome even if we can't see all the details!

Rene said...

Even if you are a "black hole" sometimes, you are still a cutie, Sammy!

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! I have the same with Kim ! She always is a black ball in a photo except when she has an eye open or the tail laying apart !

JC said...

You are very cute though. We know what you mean, Big Al doesn't show up well in photos either. (not saying that you don't just that he shows up black with a shiny eye)

Sónia Mendes said...

Hi guys,

I have an award for you, come check it out on my blog...

About the pictures, maybe your mum should try to use more light (sun light is the best), so we could see Sammy better.

Purrs from Gotchi

Brian's Home Blog said...

I like it, but hey, I can see in the dark!

Parker said...

The handsome shows through!

Marg said...

I know just how you feel about the black hole. Our brother Black is black too and it is so hard for our assistant to get good pictures of him. That is a great picture.
Have a great day.

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you've developed a purrfect camouflage!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S a black hole we'd like to dive into!!!

WE'RE BACK....well, tomorrow...LOL

Love you'z bunches!


We knows what your Mom means about trying to take pictures of you...she feels the same about me and Boo. We are both mainly black and it's furry hard to get our floffiniciousness into a picture. She takes so many pictures of us and only has a small handful of ones she truly loves.
It's good she doesn't feel that way about us in general!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well we think you are a very handsome black hole.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, that is a difficult thing with a black kitty -- to get a good shot. I've managed to take a few decent pictures of our black neighbour kitty, Figaro, but they were always in outdoor light.

This 'black hole' thing is quite the coincidence, because I did a LOL about black cats in black holes on Saturday. I used Baby Audrey as an example, though.

Yes, a black cat in a black hole is a thing of mystery.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Sammy, you're so handsome!! I know how you feel, Sammy...mom has the same problem taking pictures of me too...


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh yes, Samantha can be a black hole at times when she is all curled up and her white parts are hidden!!
(((((((HUGS))))))))) from your TX furiends,
PS: We love your background!!

Cory Clark said...

HAHAHA!! Our Mom had the same problem taking pictures of our brother, Austin - there wasn't any lighting in the world that would make his beautiful fur look like anything other than a black hole!!!

*sniff* We still miss him - but it's great to joke about the funny memories!! It keeps him alive in our hearts! :)

Sammy, we think you are a very handsome house panther in any light!!!

Have a happy day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

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