SASS was originally started by Mama/JudiBug with two senior Texas dudes (Sammy and Andy) and later added two young sisfurs (Shelly and Sierra). Sammy ran off to the Bridge in May of 2012 and Andy April 2013. Our dear, sweet Mama/JudiBug passed in November of 2012, after a short battle with Pancreatic Cancer. TraciBug is now attempting to keep the blog going. Polli and Boston were added to the family in the summer of 2013.
You're movie star mancats! Baby is swooning.
Mummy is squeeing something about a tummmmmyyyyyyyy
Awwwwww such movie star floofy mancats!!!
Take care
Hi there, cuties!
Oh what handsome mancats you are. ~Artemisia
You two are handsome as always! We love the pose, Andy!
Andy, your pose is shameless. LOL.
Happy Monday to you both! :-)
Sammy, you look quite handsome!
Andy....look out....Mommy is coming to snorgle that belly!
Have a great day!
Love, uSSSSS
I see your belly button and it is pretty,
You two have beautiful tummies that our Mum wants to kiss and give rubbies to.
Ha Ha , we are both doing the same position in our posts today!
Oh My C~O~D!!! Lookit them bellies!!! Skeeter wishes she was snuggling right up against you, Andy. Mom just wants to give you both a *snorgle*
Hugs and Kisses to you all!!!
I love these pictures of you two. Such cutie pies! Andy, good thing Mama isn't there because she thinks your belly is pretty irrestible!
Bwhahaha...you lokks like my sissy Andy...her lays like that too. Well, hers has black hairs though and hers ain't a kitteh.
What gorgeous pictures of your floofsters! That Andy lying on his back is a hoot! My grandkitty Sox likes to lie like that and falls asleep in the same position.
Just ripe for snorling!
By the way, Andy's on the LOLSpot if you haven't seen it yet.
You sure are gorgeous and floofy too Man cats. And what a beautiful tummy Andy.
Hope you two have a wonderful week.
All that floof! Mommy, get a hold of yourself!! Mommy?
You guys are so beautiful. That's a very furry tummy. I bet your mom has to do a lot of brushing to keep the two of you so handsome.
What handsome, floofy boys you are!!
Mancat Movies. Someone get the party mix!
You two always manage to look great! What's your secret???
You both are very flufffffy today
How handsome!!
Woooo what floof! Thanks for tellingus about Paddy...we are purring for her. They are great cats. We will put our senior badges up soon...Mom is wayyy behind in the blog. Thanks again.
You are quite the kitty models. Such poses! Work it!
Just look at those two lovely floofy bellies.
Hello Fellas! Great photos!
What fabulous photo's. Beautiful... HUgs GJ xx
Haha! Just a couple of lounging mancats!!
ManCats really need to take a break and relax sometimes!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Two incrediblee handsome mancats! We loves the new banner too, Sammy is looking all dark and mysterious and Andy is looking... *swoon*
Love Squashies
You ManCats sure let it all hang out!
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