Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Flashback - Angel Sookie

Today we're allowing mama to flashback to the 1970's and our Angel Sookie.

Here's a bit about Sookie. One day mama heard a kitty meowing at the front door. Soon there was a noise at the door, so mama went to investigate....and there sat Sookie looking up.....she meowed to mama and mama talked to her. Mama figured she belonged to someone in our neighborhood, so walked away after a bit.

To make a long story short, Sookie was determined to live with mama....when bumping against the door didn't get it to open, she started climbing up the screen door and meowing. She hung at the top of the screen door and meowed until mama opened the door and lovingly took her off the screen and into the house. There was no doubt that she had picked mama!!!

Sookie was totally at home from the start...she loved the whole family and was the best lapcat mama ever had. Our G-Ma named her after a kitty she had had when she was a young girl. Mama and the family had a love affair with Sookie for over 20 years!!!!!

The pictures aren't very good as they were taken "way back when" cameras weren't as good as they are today. :)

Sammy loves the fact that Sookie was a short haired version of "Himself"!!! We both wish we could have known her.

For a daily smile, please visit our Cute Critters blog.


HubbleSpacePaws said...

Well you see, Sammy and Andy, Sookie saw the flashing neon sign in the middle of Mama's forehead (visible only to kittehs that need a home) that said "Softie here-just act cute and don't give up."

I'm so glad Sookie had so many happy years with your family!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh, she is sooo lovely!

SeaThreePeeO said...

She was such a beautiful girl. We wish we could have known her too!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh....Sookie was a beautiful kitty! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Kisses to Andy And Sammy from auntie Deb!

Anonymous said...

What a heartfelt story and Sookie was a BEAUTIFUL girl! We like how determined she was for your mom to be hers! Thanx for sharing her swith us today.

Skeeter is sending her manly, man a BIG smooch and we're sending hugs for all!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sookie is beautiful and so shiny!!!
Great pictures even with the dinosaur cameras. Happy weekend to you all,
Madi and Mom

Kea said...

She sounds like she was a very special and precious girl! We're glad she chose you! :-)

Raymond and Busby said...

Sookie was quite a cat! Happy Friday friends!

Cindy said...

How sweet!! Pretty girl. I wish the cameras were better back then, too!

Hannah and Lucy said...

It's amazing how kitties know who is a soft touch and will be an adoring Mom.

Rene said...

Awww, what a cutie! Such wide eyes.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes indeed, she looks like a sweetie to me. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

3 doxies said...

We truely without a doubt know animals pick their hoomans. Howevers, we not really suppose to let da cat out of da bag so to speak.
You are such an awesome mom...making a difference in anothers life.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

These are some really beautiful,lovely and old shots !Great post !!

Katnip Lounge said...

It's a fact that Cats choose their People, given half a chance!
Sookie was a lovely girl.
xx lounge kats

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose are great memories!


Well little Miss Sookie was determined to move in and it sounds like she knew exactly that it was the right thing for efurryone!

What a sweet story!


The Island Cats said...

Aw, what a sweetie! Thanks for sharing Sookie's story with us!

meowmeowmans said...

Angel Sookie sure was a beautiful girl, and it sounds like she was a real sweetheart. We wish we could've known her, too! Thanks for sharing. :)

Jacqueline said...

Sookie was a gorgeous girl with beautiful eyes and a tender, sweet face...She definitely belonged with your Mommy, it was meant to be and Sookie was so smart to know that!...What a sweetheart she was; still beloved and cherished, as she should be!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Karen Jo said...

It's great to remember the cats who came before. Angel Sookie was quite a charmer and beautiful, too. Cats just seem to know which human is right for them.

umi_e said...

The pictures are so nostalgic ;)

*We love them all*

Cats in Trees said...

A climber! And sweet looking! A perfect combination.

Cats in Trees said...

And good luck with your fight against Snafu, Andy. Of course we voted for you, you are our honorary brother.

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