Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trivia for Thursday

Spring is definitely in the air....
Bring on the Bluebonnets....
our State Flower.

And today's name trivia:

Top 10 Red Cat Names

1. Pumpkin
2. Morris
3. Ginger
4. Marmalade
5. Cinnamon
6. Blaze
7. Peaches
8. Orange
9. Garfield
10. Juice

Top 10 Tabby Cat Names

1. Tabby
2. Stripey
3. Tippy
4. Spike
5. Felix
6. Patches
7. Spotty
8. Swirly
9. Pebbles
10. Spice

Have a beautiful day!!!!

For a daily smile, please visit
our Cute Critters blog.


Kea said...

I always thought if I had a ginger (male), I'd call him Rory, if the name fit. :-)

Or maybe "Roary" if he was a loud talker! LOL.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Ok, I get most of those - but Spike for a tabby? I must be missing something on that one (it is a fine name and all, I just don't see why it would be so common with any one color of cat).

And the two of you look very cute in the flowers!

The Creek Cats said...

We have a red tabby here, his name is Maya. Yes, he's a boy named Maya. MOL!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Interesting names there. Those Bluebonnets look fabulous!

JC said...

Ans still none of my names ...
Orange ~ Little Andy & Riley Andrew
(Riley was named after Andy)
Tabby ~ Ashton & Teddy Bear

Unknown said...

Love those beautiful blue bonnets,Judi! My state flower is the sego lily - and it is rare to see one even in this state.

The trivia was interesting too. I'm still scratching my head over naming a Tabby cat Spotty....
Thanks for the post!

Glynis Peters said...

Our girl is called Fluff, glad you guys enjoyed Mr Bean!

Anonymous said...

Ah, that field of bluebonnets looks marvelous!

Raymond and Busby said...

Our favorite Orangey name is Calvin, because he was our catster pal who went to the bridge not too long ago, he was a cool dude. xoxo

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That picture is so pretty. I love the trivia and of course I am figured in that, allthough my name is actualy Jasper and the Ginger sort of followed.. I missed you two and am glad to be home.. HUgs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

OMC! We've been trying to comment for a L~O~N~G time today. Mom's internet is all screwy. Loving the names again.

Skeeter is sending her FurMan Snuggie~Huggies today and we are to, to ALL of y'all!

Noll's Nip said...

Your state flower is beautiful. Sorry I have not been over very secretary is a slacker :) Luigi says "HI."

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so ready for the Bluebonnets and Paint Brushes and Indian Blankets!

The Island Cats said...

Once again, no Wally in the top names for orange cats! I know I'm different!!


Anya said...

I see its spring here

Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Jacqueline said...

So what about the top 10 names for Siamese, if you please...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Monkeys said...

When Mommy was a child, she had two ginger male cats that were brothers. Their names were Beastie and Sugar. It was funny because Sugar was a tough guy and Beastie was a sweetie :)

We love the flowers!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Hi Sammy & Andy... Thanks fur stopping in and saying HI on our blog! Like your Trivia... we have 2 red kitties and they are All-American Pride and Sunshine-Kitty! Hope you will be FURequent visitors!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The flowers are pretty. Our names still aren't there!

Brian's Home Blog said...

The only really bad name is homeless!


For gingers we love the names of any cheeses...cheddar colby asiago...

*kitty grins*

purry purrs

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Beautiful names. I had two orange cats. well actually in my lifetime I have had many orange cats. Two in particular were named Morris and Marmalade.
When I was little I loved orange cats. I always named them Buffy and all my Buffies ran away.


Pip said...

I likes your new banner and background. Very springy!

meowmeowmans said...

Yay for spring! Those bluebonnets are quite lovly!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Those bluebonnets look inviting. We are tabbies, but we don't have such common names as those on the list. But Mom says lots of animals are named Jack or Baby.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We love your name trivia, we totally didn't know that!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Sammy and Andy...we love your header spring is near we can smell the fragrant flowers.
What great list of names.
Happy Weekend,
Madi and Mom

The Kitty Krew said...

The boys are so handsome in the bluebonnet field!

Some of those names make sense, but some of them....we've never heard of a cat named Swirly!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Siamese Peaches said...

Hello Sammy and Andy! very pleased to meet you. Lovely purple flowers, fun photo!go for a picnic!

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